Before I start, let’s be clear: I’m talking metaphorically about careers here… ‘Kill your darlings‘ is a quote from the writer William Faulkner, and I first came across it studying graphic design. Fledgling designers have a tendency to create something, with their shiny new Adobe skills, and then promptly fall in love with it. From […]
Knowing yourself
What does career success look like?
I had an interesting philosophical experience recently, working on my website. As someone whose vocation is to help others find their ideal career, I was looking for upbeat, positive images which would say ‘this person really enjoys their job’. In case you don’t know, there are vast internet sites out there, with photographs for exactly […]
Choosing career? Beware confirmation bias…
The human brain is an amazing thing. It can detect danger – and get you moving – before you’re even conscious of the burglar in your room. It’s able to translate these weird shapes into meaning – even when it’s cmoptele nosnesne – and it’s so good at scanning and making sense of the world, […]