As someone who’s changed career several times – and who now coaches others through transitons – I know all about waiting. Waiting for clarity… waiting for certainty… waiting for courage. During my first career change, I spent a lot of time waiting… Looking back, despite the stories I told both myself and others, the waiting did not […]
Interview Preparation: Do you have anything to ask us?
You’ve met your panel, you’ve answered their questions, and now, at the end of the interview, there’s one last section… Do you have any questions for us? As a recruiter, I always enjoyed this bit; Now that our questions were over, we could sit back and get to know the candidate better, on their own […]
Career Capital: Are you depreciating?
It’s the end of the financial year again – the time for mass EOFY sales, last-minute company purchases… and reluctantly finalizing my tax return. Working my way through receipts the other day – and always keen to distract myself from tax – I found myself thinking about my earliest lessons in investing, from my Dad. […]
Interview Preparation: Why should we hire you?
If there was a top 5 of typical interview questions, this one would definitely secure a spot. Revolutionary, it’s not… but it’s still part of the standard interview playbook – a favourite of many recruiters, and hiring managers. So, if you’ve got a job interview lined up, it’s definitely one to expect and prepare for. […]
Dealing with Redundancy? 5 Don’ts…
Over the past couple of years, I’ve worked with many, many clients dealing with – and reeling from – redundancy. Government restructures, economic downturn… redundancy’s become a part of the working landscape, and post-budget, there’s nightly commentary on looming job cuts. Economic reality or not, it’s a situation few people ever want to find themselves […]
Future careers: Are you ready to shape-shift?
I don’t know about you, but the future I grew up with was far-off, and faintly ridiculous. Whenever movies showed someone from the future, they were typically oddly dressed and more than a bit cheesy. They’d swan around in silver boiler suits, talking to brains in jars… or zip around in flying cars. Hard to take […]