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Welcome to Career Blog: Career tips and insights from a professional Career Coach.
Welcome to Career Blog: Career tips and insights from a professional Career Coach.
If you don’t have your career figured out yet, you’re not alone. If you’ve been trying unsuccessfully to figure it out for months – even years – you’re in good company. Chances are you’ve been online, trawled job boards and spoken to friends and family about your options. You’ve likely been online, looking for the […]
Career success is very individual. As I’ve written about before, people find career satisfaction in very different fields, doing very different things. But whatever success looks like to you, there are some common themes that underpin the path to that success. These are my 3 C’s to a successful career… Careers need… Curiosity There’s […]
As a career coach, I help people at all stages of their working lives… From school students planning their first steps, to executives negotiating career transition. Very different groups, with very different experiences – and yet time and again, I see similar beliefs. Beliefs about what careers look like, how they work – and what’s […]
Jobs can be bad for a variety of reasons… Pointless tasks, a culture that doesn’t fit you, office politics – toxic colleagues or bullying bosses… They all affect our lives way beyond the workplace, and can erode our confidence, happiness and health over time. Clearly, I’d encourage anyone in this situation to start looking at […]
If you’re familiar with the idea of peer pressure, it’s thanks to psychologists from the 1950’s. In the wake of WWII, researchers wanted to understand what had driven so many to follow the Nazis… and proved that we’re social animals, hard-wired to fit in. One researcher, Solomon Asch, led a series of these peer pressure […]