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Welcome to Career Blog: Career tips and insights from a professional Career Coach.
Welcome to Career Blog: Career tips and insights from a professional Career Coach.
I’ve blogged before about common career myths – the beliefs that typically hold us back in pursuing satisfying work. Working on that got me thinking about career truths – and specifically, what I’d share if I could pass on just 5 pieces of advice about the realities of careers. Here, the top 5 truths, from […]
There are 2 typical responses when I tell people what I do… 1. What’s a Career Coach? That’s easy – I help people create careers that play to their strengths and meet their individual needs. 2. So you work with school students? Well yes… along with everyone else. The days of a career for life are over […]
Your resume is always important, as a tool to showcase your skills, experience and fit for a job… But the tighter and more competitive the job market, the more crucial it is to have a resume that really stands out, speaks to recruiters’ needs – and does you proper justice. In the current market, you […]
It’s not often that I’ll quote Star Trek, but the future really is an undiscovered country. And that’s something to bear in mind, when you’re thinking about planning your career. The biggest stress I see in my work? People trying to find their perfect place in that undiscovered country. They’re focused on finding career nirvana […]